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Prime Power - July 29, 2024


Senate Energy and Natural Resources to Vote on Bipartisan Permitting Reform Package: This Wednesday, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will meet to mark up the Energy Permitting Reform Act, legislation intended to revamp the nation's leasing and permitting system and expedite expansion of the electric grid. Committee Chair Joe Manchin (I-WV) secured a deal with Republican Ranking Member John Barrasso (R-WY) after more than a year of negotiations. The bill, which aims to speed the permitting process for energy infrastructure projects , is receiving positive feedback from a range of stakeholders, signaling a potential bipartisan breakthrough. However, the limited legislative calendar and changed dynamics in this election year make passage still unlikely.  

House Floor and Senate Committee Approve Interior-EPA Appropriations Bills: After several FY25 spending measure Floor votes were canceled last week, House Republicans managed to narrowly pass their Interior-EPA spending bill last Wednesday. The $38.5 billion package would cut EPA’s budget by 20 percent and block several Biden administration environmental policies. Last Thursday, the Senate set a $44.6 billion topline spending total for the agencies on a 28-1 bipartisan committee vote. The differences between the two bills in both funding levels and policy initiatives sets the Interior Bill up for difficult House-Senate conference negotiations.

House Energy and Commerce Members Criticize FERC Permitting Rules: Last Wednesday, the House Energy and Commerce Energy, Climate and Grid Security Subcommittee held a hearing with FERC Commissioners testifying. Subcommittee members questioned the potential implications of the Commission’s new sweeping transmission rule, particularly in light of recent Supreme Court Chevron rulings. The transmission order is designed to encourage regional grid operators to build out and harden power lines, but Republicans argued it would mainly benefit states with progressive energy polices and force red states to shoulder the cost of connecting clean energy projects to the grid.

Interior Cancels Gulf of Mexico Offshore Wind Lease Sale: Last Friday, the Department of Interior canceled a planned lease sale for offshore wind areas in the Gulf of Mexico after drawing lackluster bids. Interior announced its intention to hold up to 12 offshore wind lease sales over the next five years, but only one company expressed interest in this round of auction. In response, Interior will post a request for comment to determine the degree of competitive interest in the area.

EV Sales Drag Automakers’ Earnings: Throughout last week, several automotive companies reported quarterly statements to investors showing EV sales slumping across all markets. General Motors, Renault, Stellantis, and Tesla all showed uniform declines in EV sales, as the sector has yet to hit the point where electric models reach price parity and consumers interest remains cool in the context of current charging infrastructure.

EPA Releases First Environmental Justice Program Grants: Last Thursday, the EPA announced 21 recipients for a total of $325 million in grants aimed to help disadvantaged communities improve climate resilience and cut pollution. These were the first recipients under the Inflation Reduction Act’s $2 billion Community Change Grant Program.

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